Funding for Education
jue 28 de mar
|Help Fund the Cause
I am going for my Coat! I need help to get this awesome Coat. I will be able to help treat patience's with Hair Loss due to many different circumstances.
Horario y ubicación
28 mar 2024, 2:20 p.m.
Help Fund the Cause
Acerca del evento
Requesting Help from all Willing Hearts to help me get certifications to not only help those suffering from hair loss but to also help there pockets by being able to charge their insurance while building there cofidence.
I Helped Thee Hair Counselor
This Ticket is a Token of your Help! Thank You for your Contribution! So many people can get great transformation, because of this Certification. I will use this information to enter into a raffle for a free Body Butter! FYI- There is a fee that does not come the company, because of the tickets.
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0,00Â US$